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# ATTENTION!!! AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED CONFIGURATION FILE # PLEASE CHECK-UP CAREFULLY AND FILL IN ALL INDISPENSABLE VARIABLES # if some of executables files was not detected automatically, you can use # free indexsofdemt files searcher to find them fast and easy # check downloads page at # arrays @mySQLDBName, @mySQLHost, @mySQLUser and @mySQLPassword # contains lists of MySQL databases, MySQL hosts, MySQL users # and their passwords accordingly # @mySQLDBEmail used for send DB backups individually $mySQLDBName[0] = 'u0835663_demo'; $mySQLHost[0] = 'localhost'; $mySQLUser[0] = 'u0835663_demo'; $mySQLPassword[0] = '8cjxbdgs'; $mySQLDBEmail[0] = ''; $mySQLDBName[1] = 'u0835663_demo'; $mySQLHost[1] = 'localhost'; $mySQLUser[1] = 'u0835663_demo'; $mySQLPassword[1] = '8cjxbdgs'; $mySQLDBEmail[1] = ''; # if you whant to backup ALL databases you can use --all-databases as DB name: #$mySQLDBName[1] = '--all-databases'; #$mySQLHost[1] = 'localhost'; #$mySQLUser[1] = 'root'; #$mySQLPassword[1] = ''; #$mySQLDBEmail[1] = ''; # complete path to directory to store DBs backups, leave out trailing "\" or "/" $DBDumpsDir = '/var/www/u0835663/data/www/'; # sort backups file alphabeticaly. Do not sort files if $SortDumps is empty or 0 (zero) $SortDumps = '0'; # full path and a name of the executable file which is delivered with distribution # of MySQL DB server and which makes a DB dumps # if you do not know path to this file you can download from somewhere binary for your system, # upload it with backups manager and type here path and name $DumpDBCommand = '/usr/bin/mysqldump'; # additional options for mysqldump. space delimited # for full lists of options see $DumpDBOptions = '--quote-names --add-drop-table'; # full path and a name of the executable file which restore database # if you do not know path to this file you can download from somewhere binary for your system, # upload it with backups manager and type here path and name $RestoreDBCommand = '/usr/bin/mysql'; # additional options for mysql. space delimited # for full lists of options see $RestoreDBOptions = ''; # backups manager can display error if it occured while running external programs # this work only with *nix and any Windows NT system # set $TakeErrors to 0 (zero) if you use windows 9x or ME $TakeErrors = '1'; # backups manager can automatically delete old backups. files older then $OldBackups (in days) will be deleted # 0 means do not delete backups $OldBackups = '15'; # full path (if required) and name of the archiver # %f% - defines filename to pack, %a% - defines filename of archive # for example (WinRAR usage under Windows): # $ArchiverCommand = '"c:\program files\winrar\rar.exe" a -df -inul -ep -y "%a%" "%f%"'; # for example (gzip on *nix): # $ArchiverCommand = 'gzip -9 -q -f "%f%"' or 'gzip -9 -q -f -c "%f%" > "%a%"'; $ArchiverCommand = 'gzip -9 -q -f "%f%"'; # full path (if required) and name of the dearchiver # %p% - path to extract, %a% - defines filename of archive # for example (WinRAR usage under Windows): # $DeArchiverCommand = '"c:\program files\winrar\rar.exe" e -inul -y "%a%" %p%'; # for example (gzip on *nix): # $DeArchiverCommand = 'gunzip -q -f "%a%"'; $DeArchiverCommand = 'gunzip -q -f "%a%"'; # file extension for archives, for example: 'gz' if *nix gzip or 'rar' if winar $ArchiveExt = 'gz'; # default email address to send DB backups $DefaultEmail = 'enter@youremail'; # SMTP server for sending email (default - localhost). indexsoft backups manager uses # ( to send email # if can not connect to SMTP host you can use patched, wich can use a program # to send emails (for example sendmail for linux). In this case type in here command line and parameters # of a program (for example to use linux sendmail: $SMTP = '|/usr/sbin/sendmail -t'); $SMTP = '|/usr/sbin/sendmail -t'; # SMTP port (default 25) $SMTPPort = '25'; # default FTP server $DefaultFTP = 'localhost'; # default FTP server port $DefaultFTPPort = '21'; # default path on FTP server, leave out trailing "/" $DefaultFTPPath = '/upload'; # default login to access FTP server $DefaultFTPLogin = 'ftp'; # default password to access FTP server $DefaultFTPPass = ''; 1; # DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE
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